Researchers from the University of Oklahoma and Vanderbilt University have recently identified evidence of adrenergic receptor autoantibody activity that may suggest that POTS is actually an autoimmune condition. The study (Autoimmune Basis for Postural Tachycardia Syndrome) was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA) earlier this year.
Dr. Kem, one of the researchers conducting this study says that :
"Our present study (A) has produced data supporting the idea that autoantibodies that normally fight infections, have instead interacted with critical site(s) on specialized cell membrane proteins which alter their normal cell function. These autoantibodies interfere with the system which controls the ability of blood vessels to constrict, which is needed to prevent a drop of blood pressure as a person stands. In POTS patients, this inadequate response to standing leads to a generalized increase of activity in the body’s sympathetic nerve system, which frequently normalizes the blood pressure.
This increased nerve activity, however, increases the heart rate which is a prominent symptom in POTS. We have also discovered a second group of autoantibodies in some POTS patients which directly increase the heart rate. The combination of these two autoantibodies appears to cause the abnormal heart rate response observed in all 14 POTS patients we have tested to date for these autoantibodies. We have previously identified similar autoantibodies in individuals diagnosed with idiopathic orthostatic hypotension These autoantibodies may also explain why beta blockers aren’t always effective in treating the tachycardia seen in POTS, since beta blockers fail to completely block autoantibody activity on their protein receptor and they fail to alter the partial blockade of the autoantibodies on the arteriole blood vessels that initiate the orthostatic problem."
This is really good news for people that suffer from POTS disease, and may in the future provide a basis for more effective treatment, possibly even getting rid of it all together if the interfering action of those antibodies could be stopped. As always, however, it is critically important to find out for sure whether you're actually dealing with POTS, some other form of dysautonomia, or a prolapse mitral valve.
That is where a specialized POTS treatment doctor can quickly help you rule out whether you have POTS or not and get you on the road to recovery faster. Our recommendation? Go see a POTS doctor first, if you suspect you're having POTS-like symptoms--so that they don't get mislabeled or misdiagnosed by a doctor that isn't familiar with autonomic disorders.
And great place to find a great POTS doctor is Dysautonomia-MVP Center, LLC in Birmingham, AL, one of the best pots clinics nationwide. Dr. Paula Moore and Dr. Susan Phillips have a combined 40 years of experience with POTS and other forms of dysautonomia and they can help you quickly get to the bottom of your symptoms and on to recovery. Call for an appointment today at (205) 286-3200. You'll be glad you did.
Dysautonomia-MVP Center, LLC
Accurate Diagnosis & Treatment for Better Results
2470 Rocky Ridge Road Vestavia Hills, Alabama 35243
(205) 286-3200