Monday, February 8, 2016

Treatment for POTS & MVP Symptoms--What People Are Doing About It Now

POTS can be a really aggravating condition that adds daily doses of fatigue, insomnia, pain, depression, anxiety and of course, lightheadedness. Mitral valve prolapse, which can also have lightheadedness as a symptom, is often found to be the result of POTS and not an actual prolapsed or poorly functioning mitral valve. 
But what are people doing now to alleviate or at least improve the symptoms? A lot of physicians will prescribe drugs to alleviate some of these symptoms and some do work pretty well. Here's a short list of what a lot of POTS patients are taking for various symptoms:

Modafinil, Amphetamine-Dextroamphetamine for Fatigue
Amitriptyline, Melatonin, Zolpidem for Insomnia
Tramadol, Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen for Pain
Sertraline, Fluoxetine, Duloxetine for Depressed Mood
Alprazolam, Diazepam, Clonazepam  for Anxious Mood

There are quite a few other drugs that are commonly prescribed for POTS symptoms, but these are some of the most common, with measurable symptom improvements. There are other more natural POTS  approaches, as well, and other physicians will use these instead of drugs or in conjunction with them:

Diet and Exercise--can help with fatigue, insomnia, pain as well as mood management
Salt Shots--adding extra sodium to the diet can combat the common low blood pressure and help with lightheadedness, fatigue, etc.
Compression Stockings---these are specially-designed stockings that help prevent pooling of blood in the legs and reduce lightheadedness and other symptoms.
Vitamin & Herbs--there are various natural vitamin supplement regimens that can target possible deficiencies and reduce symptoms as the body's levels increase.

The best way to figure out which way to go, natural, drug therapy or a combination is to visit a POTS treatment center. Through proper testing, POTS doctors can figure out what is the best way to get you feeling better in the shortest amount of time. A great example of a modern POTS treatment center is Dysautonomia-MVP Center LLC in Birmingham, AL. 

Dr. Paula Moore and Dr. Susan Phillips bring more than 40 years of solid autonomic disorder treatment experience to their patients on a daily basis, and often get results when no one else has been able to. Call Dysautonomia-MVP Center LLC for an appointment and find out today what is your fast track to feeling better!

Dysautonomia-MVP Center, LLC
Accurate Diagnosis & Treatment for Better Results
2470 Rocky Ridge Road Vestavia Hills, Alabama 35243
(205) 286-3200

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